
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Beam Energies Treatment for Lung and Larynx

reflect Energies Treatment for Lung and LarynxLarynx Error PlanErrorsBeam energies for larynx handling be non correct both atomic number 18a wee-wee 10MV or else of 6MVField coats are not setThe pay Lateral (RLat) guinea pig is overly big resulting in shield errorsThe left wing hand scene of action of view Lateral (LLat) field is too sm only and is just skimming the frontal portion of the patients shellThe number of segments on the devise is integrity (1) instead of 20 daily fractions.The globular sludgeimum social disease is 110.98% (given as 6103.7 cGy) and is for the most government agency outside the Planning Target Volume (PTV), meaning the mean is too acidThe 108% parting is a vitriolic sense of touch as it exceeds the international Commission on radiation syndrome Units and Measurements (ICRU 50 62) level best value of 107%The LLat field baffle is too thin 1o, so not serveing with unvaried social disease distri thoion of the think, hence the right skewed isodoses and the 108% hot spotThe aims maximum spinal anaesthesia corduroyuroy dose of 5112 cGy, exceeds the maximum dose chasteness value for the organ of 5000 cGy.Multi-Leaf Collimators (MLC) use on the broadcastthither is not much conformality to the PTV forwardly from the RLat field in that respect is insufficient screen of the recognize priorlySome MLC are not pulled up properly as they are on the field edge which is better shielded by the Primary collimatorsThe RLat field is over- thrustd (60o), resulting in the 108% hotspot regionThe RLat field is not placed optimally re-collimator lean in order to better bar the spinal cordThe Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) information/graph/graph is insufficient as it is only for the spinal cord excluding for example the PTV infoThe isocentre could be placed more centrally for the planCriteria use to judge the suitability of the treatment planThis is a conventional parallel-opposed field administration, whic h is adapted for head and cervix uteri treatment of the larynx (Barrett and Dobbs, Practical Radiotherapy Planning, rascalboy 171). Since this is an error plan, the handle do not match in size though they are parallel opposing. The radical dose prescription is 55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy over 4 weeks (Barrett and Dobbs, 4th Ed., page 175). This would apply as a prescription for a T1-2 N0 glottic larynx neoplasm with a volume of 26-49 cm3 (RSCH, St Lukes Radiotherapy clinical Protocol, Head and Neck Larynx). function is do of isodose charts, PTV coverage as indicated by the D95 (95% isodose line), maximum PTV dose (Dmax), maximum spinal cord dose, dose volume histograms (for PTV and spinal cord), and departmental protocols to tax the suitability of the treatment plan. The Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013) document of Tolerance of Normal Tissue to cure Radiation provided the dose constraints for the organs at risk e.g. the spinal cord. comminuted guidelines only stipu late an offer of choice of trans-oral microsurgery or radiotherapy to people with newly diagnosed T1b-2 squamous cadre carcinoma of the glottic larynx.The plan is optimised by use of diffuse modifying devices deal wedges and MLC (Barrett and Dobbs, page 171), and checking the effect development the planning software.Solutions to eliminate determine errorsThe transport energy pauperizations to change from 10MV to 6MV in the field properties of the planning software. This depart look into adequate coverage of the PTV as a significant part of the larynx is very close to the whittle. A less energy re offers less penetration and lower build up depth (for skin sparing effect) for dose deposition.The RLat field size can decrease meagrely anteriorly, man the LLat field size can increase slightly to ensure adequate anterior coverage. The field could also be more symmetrical.The LLat wedges druthers needs to change so that the Thick end is Anterior as per the setup selective i nformation (Toe in).The number of fractions is should change to 20 from the afoot(predicate) one fraction. This would give the appropriate dose prescription for the plan of 55Gy/20/4weeks/2.75Gy per fractionThe current plan is too hot, so the carry weightings need adjusting downward until the plan conforms to the ICRU limits of maximum deoxycytidine monophosphate% + 7% (= 107%), and the lower limit of 100% 5% (= 95%) of the proscription dose (ICRU). This process can also meliorate by correcting the wrongly orientated LLat wedge and using a better wedge angle on it, as hearty as adjusting down the angle of the over-wedged RLat wedge.Correcting the 108% hotspot region is through adjusting the wedge angles, re-orienting the LLat wedge and adjusting the field weightings.The thin 1o LLat wedge angle needs changing up to 30o for the wedge to have an effect on the isodose dissemination, on top of reversing its orientation. This would help in creating a consistent dose distribution for the plan and a reduction/elimination in/of hotspots.According to the Quantec/Emami et al. (2013) guidelines, the spinal cord is to nab a maximum core dose of 50Gy, but the current plan is exceeding this limit. Adjusting the collimator angle for the fields to be parallel to the spinal cord depart help annul treating this critical organ This is also support by reducing the field weightings, adjusting the wedge angles and orientation of one of them, adjusting the field sizes shtuply.The MLC leaves need to close where they are open outside the treatment field edges. There is a leaf to shield the anterior corner of the neck but is pulled back, so needs to be part of the configuration. There are five (5) pairs of almost central leaves, that are on the field edges inferiorly and superiorly, they need pulling back by 0.5 cm from the field edge so they do not interfere with primary collimation (Royal Surrey County Hospital (RSCH), St Lukes Radiotherapy Clinical Protocols). Adjusting the RLat field size anteriorly will aid in correcting the shielding of the neck and break conformality to the PTV.The RLat field wedge needs reducing to at most 30o to aid uniform dose distribution and reduction of hotspots.ever-changing the collimator angle of the RLat field so that it is parallel to the spinal cord, will avoid treating through this critical organ. This will result in reducing the spinal cords maximum dose for the plan to within the organs maximum dose constraint value of less than 50Gy, thus aiding in optimising the plan.The DVH information of the plan should include the PTV data and line plot to enable plan evaluation of its suitability.Making the isocentre more central may improve the uniform dose distribution of the plan.suitability of Plan and Alternative circulate arrangementAccording to De Virgilio, A., et. al. (2012), there is currently no set therapeutic atomic number 79 standard for the treatment of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. This contributes to a lack of accord and inhomogeneity in treatment planning. The plan under consideration is a 2D conventional plan, which in itself is satisfactory with the exception of the errors, but is not optimal. The identified errors are correctable and the plan optimisable. In stay with the conventional plan, a third anterior low-neck field with a light weighting (3DCRT) is an filling to improve dose distribution and eliminate hotspots. However, this would require the addition of negatron beams to match the photon fields, according to Herrassi, M. Y., Bentayeb, F, and Malisan M. R. (page 98-105). Another option is to use Intensity spiel RadioTherapy (IMRT) with 3 or 5 beams, or Volumetric modulate Arc Therapy (VMAT) with one arc, (Matthiesen C, Singh H, Mascia et. al. (2012)). IMRT offers more conformality in regards to carotid arteries as express by Gomez, D., Cahlon, O., et. al. (2010). Portaluri, M., et. al (2006), suggest that 3D Field-in-Field techniques are a sensible alternat ive as they offer the best globose performance when considering PTV coverage and parotid sparing.ConclusionThe task was instrumental in reinforcing the importance of discretion the process of treatment planning, and how to check the suitability of the plan before its approval. There is not much information to work with in suggesting alternative beam arrangements. Useful information could have been correct TNM sorting, appropriate oncological classification taking into account the anatomic-embryologic and functional complexity of the larynx. There were glaring errors in the plan, and as an exercise, they were useful in sharpening treatment planning knowledge. IMRT is the preferred treatment technique that is efficacious especially for parotid gland and carotid arteria sparing.Lung PlanErrorsBeam energies should all be 6MV, some are 10MV on the planThere are too many fields for the planThe LLat beam is going through the contra lateral lungThe field placement of the right posterior catty-corner (RPO) is not optimal as its MLCs are shielding part of the PTV contributing to the inadequate 95% dose coverage of the PTV.The global max value of 109% exceeds the ICRU guidelines, meaning the plan is very hot in places.There is an 80% hot spot on the chest, which is very hot for the area close to the skinThere are many wedges on this plan resulting in hot and cold spots and a gritty dose gradient in the PTV.The Right Lateral and Anterior fields are over-wedged, resulting in the 80% and 109% hot spots.The RPO and LLat field wedge angles are not conventional (50o and 33o respectively, when considering the standard wedge angle specifications of 15o, 30o, 45o and 60o.The Lateral fields (Right Lateral and Left Lateral), are too big in congress to the size of the PTV, resulting in unnecessary irradiation of healthy tissue.The current plan exceeds the spinal cord core dose (maximum 50Gy), as interpreted from the DVH data.There is less than 95% PTV coverage laterally , res ulting in a max dose to the PTV of 5304 cGy, which is very much less than the expected 6080 cGy (95% of 6400 cGy).Criteria use to evaluate the suitability of the treatment planBarrett and Dobbs (page 252), acknowledge that there are a number of challenges to covering the PTV fully and remaining within the ICRU constraints, while maintaining delightful toxicity levels at the same time. A three (3) field conformal plan is normally used for stage I or II non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A compromise on choosing the best plan is by and large dependent upon the location and size of the PTV, and its closeness to critical structures, like the spinal cord and oesophagus.The plan should try to minimise dose to the contralateral lung as much as possible by using anterior oblique, posterior oblique and lateral beams. Beam modifying devices such as wedges compensate for deceptiveness at the chest, with MLC shielding conforms each beam to the shape of the PTV (Dobbs and Barrett).Use is ma de of the Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013), document on Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation in checking dose constraints to organs at risk e.g. brachial plexus, oesophagus and spinal cord. Plan evaluation also uses isodose charts, dose volume histograms and departmental protocols to establish the suitability of the plan. NICE guidelines for Radiotherapy with curative intent for Non-small cell Lung Cancer stipulate that the patient should have good performance post (WHO 0 or 1). It says, CHART should be offered first, but if unavailable therefore conventional radiotherapy of 64-66 Gy in 32-33 fractions over 6 weeks or 55 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks is the next option. This plan is for 64 Gy in 32 fractions over 6 weeks, so meets with this criterion.Dobbs and Barrett (page 253), mention that careful evaluation of the plan using DVHs is especially important when considering keeping the V20 beneath 32 per cent (the volume of lung receiving more than 20Gy of the dos e).Solutions to eliminate identified errorsBarrett and Dobbs (page 255), turn on out that beam energies above 10 MV should be avoided ascribable to greater range of secondary electrons in lung tissue, which result in a wider penumbra and thus more radiation to normal tissue. Beam energy of 6MV is adequate, while use of 10MV is for separation at the centre is greater than 28 cm. (Dobbs and Barrett, page 252). As no mention of the separation, it is appropriate to use 6MV on all the beams for this plan instead on mixed energies.This is a conventional plan, and the harsh number of beams 3 instead of the current 5. The many fields have not helped in conforming the plan to the PTV and improving the dose distribution, but have contributed in unnecessary irradiation of normal tissues. So, removal of the anterior and left lateral beams, would bring the plan back to a conformal 3 field plan. The right posterior oblique field would need panorama at or so 215o-225o in order to cover the PT V better and its MLC not to shield the PTV as at the present. (RSCH and London Cancer centre protocols).The left lateral field is treating through the contralateral lung, which is operationally against ICRP (2007), ICRU and IR(ME)R 2000 guidelines of keeping dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) to patients, employees and the general public. The strict measure is to remove the left lateral field from the plan.The gantry angle for the right posterior field is not optimal and moving it to around 215o-225o range would improve coverage of the PTV and avoid the spinal cord, even though the MLC is shielding the cord (ideal) in the current setup but also part of the PTV that is not ideal and compromising the 95% coverage of the PTV.The global maximum value of 109% exceeds the ICRU target of maximum 107% within the PTV. Removing the anterior and left lateral fields, and adjusting the over-wedged posterior and right lateral field wedge angles to all 15o or 30o depending on the unifo rmity of the dose distribution within the PTV, will rectify this issue. The remaining field weights will need adjusting as well to fully optimise the plan. moving the RPO beam angle to between 215o and 225o, as well as reducing the wedge angle to 30o and removing the anterior beam from the plan will correct the 80% hotspot region.Removing the anterior field will effectively eliminate the 80% hot spot region on the chest. Removing the left lateral field and wedging the right anterior oblique field will help in reducing or eliminating the 109% hot spot region in the PTV. These measures will also result in more uniformity in dose distribution when combined with adjusting the weights of the remaining fields.The current plan has many wedged fields (some over-wedged), which is rectified by removing the anterior and left lateral field from the plan, adjusting the right lateral wedge angle to either 15o or 30o, and that of the posterior field from 50o to either 15o or 30o and inserting a 15 o or 30o wedge on the anterior oblique field. This should improve the uniformity of the dose distribution within the PTV.The non-conventional wedge angles of the posterior and left lateral fields (50o and 33o respectively), have not improved the dose distribution in any noticeable way, as there is still a high dose gradient in the PTV. Reverting to the standard angles and using either 15o or 30o at most, would improve the dose distribution of the plan.The 2 lateral fields are too big therefore adjusting them posteriorly would improve the PTV coverage of the plan and less irradiation of normal tissue. The left lateral field however needs taking off the plan altogether.The current plan shows excessive dose to the spinal cord and according to the Quantec/Emami et. al. (2013) document, the maximum core dose to the spinal cord should not exceed 50Gy. Moving the right posterior field angle to 215o-225o range and removing the anterior beam will correct this anomalyThe less than 95% covera ge of the PTV is achieved bypositioning the posterior field optimally (between 215o and 225o), so that the MLC will not shield the PTV but still manage to shield the spinal cordadjusting the field sizes of the oblique fields applying 15o or 30o wedge to the right anterior oblique field and adding MLCs to it so that it conforms the PTV better thus improving the dose distribution to the planand applying MLCs to the right lateral field to conform the PTV better.Suitability of Plan and Alternative beam arrangementThis plan is not suitable for patient treatment in many respects, as highlighted by the errors identified. change it is by reverting to the conventional three field/beam plan, with deuce right oblique fields and the right lateral field as the third one (Barrett and Dobbs, page 252). Other treatment techniques, e.g. IMRT (with emphasis on carotid sparing), helical tomotherapy, VMAT have been found to offer better results on dosimetric comparisons. However, a multi-modality appr oach could be the best approach when considering new data coming from immunology, molecular biology and genetics on top of the wonted(prenominal) surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment options (Franco, P., et. al. (2016)).ConclusionThis exercise highlighted the importance of quality agency and having several layers of checking the suitability of treatment plans that are eventually used on the patients.

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